Well controlled Diabetes, without significant complications, is not a barrier to working offshore.
Before booking your appointment, you will need to obtain the following.
Most recent (no older than 12 months)
- annual foot screening
- annual eye screeniong
- Hba1c blood test
- if under a diabetes specialist, a copy of you most recent clinic letter
If your screening and bloods are not up to date, a shorter certificate is usually issued until you have
evidence they are completed
Individuals with NIDDM are assessed with regard to:
An increased frequency of medical examination may be appropriate to ensure regular review of the overall condition and specifically those issues above.
ie: unless you can show several years of good diabetic control (hba1c of 58 or below), the certificate is usually of shorter duration
If the individual has secondary complications of their diabetes, these must be assessed under the relevant criteria for that condition. eg: foot or eye disease
The risks associated with IDDM are not compatible with unrestricted fitness to work on the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS).
However, an individual may be considered for restricted certification of fitness to work offshore if the following requirements are met:
All individuals with IDDM working offshore must be reviewed at least annually to ensure control remains acceptable and the above stipulations continue to be met.
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